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This mini-module is in the style of an online/on-demand style of learning, meaning you will get all of the content via a pre-recorded video which is led by me. Through the video I will take you through all of the content which you can revisit and rewatch as many times as you like, or need. 


The Mini-Modules are stand-alone mini courses, therefore you can pick and choose which ones you wish to do. They can be done in any order you like but the numbers in each title suggest the order for them to be done in if you are going to do them all. 


If you are going to only do selected mini-modules my only advice is that you do mini-module 4 before doing mini-module 5. These two are connected with number 4 setting the scene for number 5.**



In this mini-module - Grounding and Protection - the following topics will be covered:

  • Grounding, in general - I’ll talk about what we mean by grounding, in general terms.

  • Grounding for spiritual work - I’ll talk about why we might need grounding when working with mediumship and what activities we can do to ground ourselves. There’ll also be a grounding activity

  • Energy protection, in general - I’ll talk about what we mean by protection, in general terms 

  • Energy protection for spiritual work - I’ll talk about why we might need protection when working with mediumship. There’ll also be a protection activity.

  • Energy clearing - We’ll talk about energy clearing from ourselves and from our environment and how we can do it. 

  • Mini Quiz - A short 10 question quiz to test your knowledge. Note that this is not an assessment and therefore there is no pass mark. It’s a simple way for you to test yourself to see what knowledge you have attained from the module. 


The Video

There may be varying ways for you to receive the video content, depending on what works for you. The to receive is via a private link to youtube which is exclusive for you and cannot be searched nor found by the public.

Note: In order to view the video on YouTube you must be able to sign into a Google Account/YouTube account in order to access it. If you don’t have an account you will not be able to access it. 


The Workbook

Once you have purchased the mini-module you will receive a separate email which will contain a link to a workbook. Once received please download the document to your computer/device and print it off ready to start the module. 

Note: Always check your junk/spam folder as emails sometimes go into those folders

The workbook will help you to follow the video content and to also make all of your notes which then keeps them in one place. The workbook also contains the questions for the Mini Quiz. 


**Mini-modules 4, 5 and 6 coming soon!

3. Grounding and Protection

  • Video content: 1 hour 15 approx.

David Hale Spiritual Medium

Aylesbury, UK

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